Desperate Twins... the real mystery on Wisteria Lane!
Another confession here... my wife an I actually enjoy watching Desperate Housewives. The show is rediculous! But the strange mysteries and the twists and turns have become addicting. Honestly we watched it the first time to make fun of it and then... well we kept coming back for more.
But the true mystery lies in the second season... You see, it's not about who is locked up in the room in the basement, it's not about how Bree is going to cash in the insurance money... no... the real mystery is... WHERE ARE THE TWINS?
The Scavo Twins were a big part of the first season, the ADD Episode, the Episode about them and the old lady... they were everywhere. This year... 2 episodes in... and not one mention of them. They weren't ever in the background of the house playing or anything.

Nope, these guys have vanished without a trace! The coips aren't even checking them out, the schools haven't even called... Sure they're probably out filmed Cheaper by the Dozen 2, but will we ever find out the fate of these identical terrors? Who knows! I just needed to get this little thing of my chest!
Tune in next time,
I really can't stand it when people use the comment area for spam...
I agree with you about the spam commenters - totally annoying.
LOL about the twins - see now I had no idea the "Cheaper by the Dozen" twins were in Desperate Housewives - cos I will NOT LET myself watch it - I *SO* don't need another show to be hooked on (insert Survivor and Amazing Race here!)
Mum to the 4 M&M's
See now they may be 'cheaper by the dozen', but it had already got too expensive with 4 kids and I was losing more of my sanity with each kid - 12 ???? I'd be a TOTAL basket case - mind you there's still hope, Moses was a basket case once !!
Miss ya Wayne!! Bring your yutes to the next Crosswaves on Oct 15th
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